Thursday 1 September 2016

Look and Key

One day a boy found a lock . It was just the lock, there was no key to it. He has never seen it before. It was a unique lock. He tried to open it up with different keys of other lock. It didn't open. He became angry and try to break up the lock. It didn't work. So, he went to so many places with that lock to find a key to it. He asked some people about it ,no one has seen it before either. Some said it is not to be opened. Some said may be it should not be opened. But he had a feeling with himself that it can be opened. And he met a key maker in his quest to find the key to that lock. The key maker told him ,it's a very unique lock. And gave him some metal piece and asked him to look into the lock and try to understand how it works. Then try to make a key by yourself to open this lock. He started observing the lock and tried to make different keys out of the metal piece slowly engraving each with different combinations . Eventually he arrived at  different keys which he thought might
 unlock it . But it was not unlocking it. Every attempt made him tempt not to try more, but the ferocity of not giving up made him to persevere to make the next combination of the key. And at last he was left with one metal piece. He made a key out of it. He was afraid  to put the last  ke in that lock. The fear was if it doesn't fit, and so he kept looking at the key . His thoughts wander like a slow breeze in the forest. It touched everything it found on its way like the seeds of doubts, the bark of the strong  failures and the beautiful deceiving flowers of procrastination. But nothing forced him to put the key in the lock.
And finally  he gathered all his strength and put the key in the small lock. And tried to turn it. He was all ears for the small click of sound which opened it.... And harder he turned it...

1 comment:

  1. Nice ....the perspective reality of sucess well said...the prominence of endurance and patience and the story take us to many memories....well done
