Thursday 1 September 2016

Look and Key

One day a boy found a lock . It was just the lock, there was no key to it. He has never seen it before. It was a unique lock. He tried to open it up with different keys of other lock. It didn't open. He became angry and try to break up the lock. It didn't work. So, he went to so many places with that lock to find a key to it. He asked some people about it ,no one has seen it before either. Some said it is not to be opened. Some said may be it should not be opened. But he had a feeling with himself that it can be opened. And he met a key maker in his quest to find the key to that lock. The key maker told him ,it's a very unique lock. And gave him some metal piece and asked him to look into the lock and try to understand how it works. Then try to make a key by yourself to open this lock. He started observing the lock and tried to make different keys out of the metal piece slowly engraving each with different combinations . Eventually he arrived at  different keys which he thought might
 unlock it . But it was not unlocking it. Every attempt made him tempt not to try more, but the ferocity of not giving up made him to persevere to make the next combination of the key. And at last he was left with one metal piece. He made a key out of it. He was afraid  to put the last  ke in that lock. The fear was if it doesn't fit, and so he kept looking at the key . His thoughts wander like a slow breeze in the forest. It touched everything it found on its way like the seeds of doubts, the bark of the strong  failures and the beautiful deceiving flowers of procrastination. But nothing forced him to put the key in the lock.
And finally  he gathered all his strength and put the key in the small lock. And tried to turn it. He was all ears for the small click of sound which opened it.... And harder he turned it...

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Humans with Eagle's Point of View

Humans with Eagle's Point of View





                                       Sometimes when the eagles fly so high i wonder what does their really see.  Then when i saw pics of earth from an eagle eye point of view, i could visualize everything they see. The beautiful arrangements of trees , rivers , hills and the geographical features by the Creator , and the human touch of the townships, industries , peoples , everything that a Google Earth can see. If human had the wings then I think they would have enjoyed the beauty of this earth from the eagle's point of view. If he could enjoy it from up there , I am sure , people would not have caused these much havoc to the earth and indirectly to themselves. The effect of climate change would not have been that much. Maybe thats why angles have the wings , so that they can always see what humans does from the sky. If they could see the whole picture , they can understand why humans , societies behave in this particular fashion of living. 
               Seeing things from above always have bigger effect in us. The great visionaries who happen to visit this earth have all this eagle's point of view. That is why they could bring about a change which still stayed even after their departure. I wish the Creator should have given us an eye or a vision of this eagle's point of view. So many things would not have done . The trees would have still stayed there imparting the green color to the forests,rivers could have still be with waters without the droughts, ice caps would have still there without melting . Climate change would have diminished to a small pixel in this whole change of perspective. But i cant say that we don't have this glimpse entirely. The Wright brothers invented  the airplane. And the Eagle's point of view could be easily be seen through this . If we happen to sit in the window seat in an airplane, perhaps this thought might have crossed many minds. But as there is two sides of a coin, airplanes was used for further killing of the earth and the people like the Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The very point of view  with which so much change could have bought , was exploited in a entirely suicidal way. 
                Maybe the evolution will bring us closer to the Eagle's Point Of View.... :)





Thursday 14 April 2016

From 4G to 2G

The sun was gleaming with its rays. I was standing in my usual bus stop and trying to avoid the sunlight even though it's and irony since i work under the sun usually. My restless mind kept looking at my watch thinking that i will be late . Late is something I don't like to add to my character. And the bus came . I with a little struggle managed to get into the bus . It was a Monday morning and usually it's so crowded on Mondays since everyone will be returning to the office from home with a face as if they are been forced to a place they don't like . I am no exception to that feeling and my face was not too alien to that feeling since I have it on my face too . I was standing in that crowded bus . Suddenly a man rose from his seat next to me , then as if it was like a bullet just shot from a gun a man came and sat in that . I was too slow since by the time that man sat I just made up my mind to sit . He was like a 4G connection in the 2G world wen it comes to getting na seat. Suddenly an absolute silence came from somewhere. The only sound was the roaring of the old engine . And there was only one thought in my head too. And a vision , and rest of the things in m head was blurring in the background.That made me think if I was trying to be 4G too.  My routine was programmed. All I have to do in the morning  was get up when the alarm goes off . Rest of the things is programmed like a robot . And the only minute I think after i wake up is when i am in the bus . Like this at this precise moment when one of my hands is in the rail on the top of bus and another hand on the seat for the support to stand straight in that crowd. This is the moment of truth for my everyday. I always think if this is how I going to be further in my life . I see guys much older than me , with shirts tucked in and nice shoes and a bag on the shoulder. At some point I see myself standing there . With the same expression of unhappiness and fear and insecurities I have now which multiplied several year . Then a lightning of thoughts struck my head. A lightning mixed with feeling of fear , anxiety and all the feelings which spills out the adrenaline in me. It was kind of look back moment for me too. 
We live in a fast moving world. Our smartphone is faster, our transportation is faster, our connections are faster (3G,4G). There is a shift from the thought that , earlier it was ‘ we had 24 hours a day ‘ now it shifted to ‘ we just have 24 hours a day’. The shift was that we have to do so much things with this little time . This little time when this earth takes the effort to rotate on its axis. We have started to enjoy less of our time . And we started to live the next moment , not the moment we have , but the moment we are about to have . A faster connections have made us impatient. This impatience have taken its root in all over characters , from waiting in a queue, waiting for a reply, waiting . Waiting. I wonder if this impatience will consume me more and more . And if I will forget to to be here at this precise moment than to be in the next. I have to slowly convince my head that I only have now. The present and hence its called the PRESENT. Slowly slowly , like I learned to walk when I was a toddler , I have to teach myself consciously. Slowly .. In this 4g world I have to learn to be 2G .