Sunday 30 August 2015

An astrophysical comparison of my problem !!!

             I have a problem . How big is it? I don’t know. Maybe big as I am or maybe big as my house or my place or my country. Let me think bigger it is as big as earth . that’s  a 12,756 km diameter sphere. Yes that’s how big is my problem. But how big is earth?

          Jupiter has diameter of 1,42,800 km and it means its roughly 1300 times bigger than earth . So 1300 earth can make a Jupiter. And Sun has a diameter of 1392000 km , wow , that means nearly 1300000 earths make up the Sun.

             When I kept on searching about size of sun I came upon a star named Arcturus. How big is it? It has a diameter of 35.7 million km ie 25.7 times larger than sun. And at that point our Jupiter will be of the size of a pixel. Now pixel is a tiny dot in the screen of PCs or mobile phones. So if Jupiter is just a tiny dot in the screen of our mobile , where is earth . it’s not even visible . And again there is another star names Antares, when we compare sun to it , sun is a pixel. That means roughly 1900 times the radius of sun.


              And on 3rd September , 2003 Hubble telescope began poiting to an area nearly one tenth the size of moon for 4 months. And this what Hubble telescope saw.

Our galaxy is roughly 950,000,000,000,000,000 km in diameter(1,00,000 light years). The picture Hubble Telescope took has 10,000 galaxies. And each galaxy has its own stars and planets. And i don't know how to even compare that since i don't know how many zeroes are there after the digit to measure.
So where is my problem that was as big as my Earth. I don't know. I think i don't have any problem now or maybe my problem is something else now :P.

Sunday 10 May 2015

The Explorer in Me

Yes I remember a bit, while I was in my mother’s womb. It was boring; I could hear different voices and sounds unheard other than the heartbeat I hear. I thought it will be exciting out there. So I thought I wanted to get out or am I really stuck here forever. Some months passed away and I was out. When the first ray of light hit my eyes I realized, “Yes finally I am out, to the world of adventure, fun and excitement”. I was carried by so many people.  I saw new things, heard new sounds. But I couldn't get things I wanted  ,see places I wanted because my limbs not yet started to work as I wish . I understood it takes time to make it work the way I wanted. I thought why not wait, I waited for long to get out now I am out, so why not for some more time. 
    It took time; I had to work hard so that I could get up on my knees. Now I could go to places (within a room, of course). I could explore, I am more than happy. Slowly I could move my legs, now I can move faster than before and to more places. It had different feeling I could not understand it at first. Later I came realize that it is a feeling called freedom, what everyone seeks in this world ultimately. And with the increase in area of my explorations, my thoughts too started to explore more areas of curiosity. It was my age of curiosity. Curiosity towards things, feelings and so on. And I understood we can never live with curiosity. Curiosity is the reason for many things in this world, some turned out to be good, some bad. Like a traveler has curiosity to see places, politicians have curiosity for power, all have curiosity for more money and the list goes on.
            My curiosity was at that time about things and places. I tried to reach wherever I can. And days passed feeding my curiosity. Now I can speak too. Now there is another field of curiosity, my sound. When I am happy and make a sound it is called ‘laugh’ and whenever I laugh all around me laughs seeing my cute laughing face. And when I am sad and make a sound it is called ‘cry’, it makes other tensed thinking why I am making that sound. And they give me everything I want when I cry. And this became a good way to fulfill my desires, to see places and experience new things. And I could hear all the grown up version of me talking. I cannot understand a lot and so do they when I try to communicate in my sound. Slowly I learned their sound. And it has lot of another sounds than mine, it is called ‘language’. I speak the one my parents used. And I started experimenting with it. My tongue took time to adjust with the new language which I was about to learn. But I understood language as a way of expression of thoughts, but when we are closer to someone don’t even need the language to understand the feelings.
        The explorer in me started getting many limitations. My parents started warning me about restrictions I had to explore. And slowly I think I started an inhibition towards exploration. The spark of fun, I had in taking risks and exploring the curiosity it was blown off. And as I grew older and stronger the explorer in me was walking away from me. And I am afraid if that explorer, curiosity in me to know and experience new things in this world   , will walk away far from me...  

Tuesday 17 March 2015


 I remember a guy mentioning in a speech that the present generation is lacking a lot of human interaction . I feel that so true , with the emergence of many social networking is actually making humans less interactive between one another through actual human communication like through a face to face conversation and replaced it with texts . In actual human interaction one can see how a human react to words and actions. In texting it lacks it , even though some of the reactions are conveyed through smileys. But what if instead of just texting someone call him/her and hear the voice or meet them. It does make a difference. But today's world , it easy to send a text . Yes everyone is busy and time is running too.
   I recently read an article that texting by looking down to your phone is actually giving a lot of strain to our neck. But everyone is glued to the phones. It like a window to a world. But we are trying to escape to world from present through that window. We are bored and we try to keep ourself busy. We advertise ourselves , our thoughts, feeling all through this window (just like this article how I advertise my thoughts). But at last , we realise to escape from the prison of our own thoughts we really did not make the jump enough to go over the wall and we are still trapped in the prison. We all try to escape from the now , by trying to find happiness in things and materials. But as we proceed we question ourselves, some just don't question but live by.
   Social networks tries to keep man busy , and all humans want to keep themselves busy. So we try it and we advertise our selves through statuses and profile picture. It's true it's a platform that can be utilised in good way and bad way . But the , good or bad is relative. Apparently we all will be at a place we don't know if we ought to be or not . And confusion creeps in , just like a parasite living on a tree. But the actual irony is that once understood if we are at the wrong place we don't always try to change, because we are afraid of change . Change has unexpected end . Sometimes  humans are scared of unexpected climaxes to decisions we make . Afraid of what others  would think about us, and once we can isolate that fear from us , we are free . Free from lot of cobwebs that binds us to many things we don't want. And life becomes simpler.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Lost traveller

I was a lost traveller,.  I lost my way towards my destination. In fact I was confused about my destination. I really didn't know where the road that I chose leads. One day I was walking through a road I came across a junction. There were sign boards at the junctions . It told me where I would reach if I chose it. And I thought that was exactly everyone confused traveller like me wanted , a clear sign showing where I will reach if I could chose between the two roads.. Confusion was the only friend there with me, standing beside me at that point of my life. I couldn't chose between two roads that diverged. Sign board showed me where I will reach if I chose it. But I feared what if the destination shown in the sign is not my idea about the destination it mentioned , and hence I will be disappointed if it doesn't turn out to be the place like I imagined. So , actually it is just a possibility that it may be the place mentioned in the sign board but not necessarily be the same I imagined. I wondered what would have I done if there was one more road. Thinking that I saw another road. That road was almost not visible if you don't stop at that juncture and keep staring in that direction for a some time, like I did, thinking about which other two roads I had to chose. But a small lightning idea struck inside my head, it was just as faint as the road. If you don't give enough  attention it will just pile up inside your mind like all the thoughts you had in the past . The idea was what if i chose the third road , the one with no sign board. The reason was that it didn't tell me where i will reach if I chose it , so the problems of choice ie whether the destination will be the like  the one I imagine(like with the case of other two roads) is not there  . So I don't have to be disappointed however the destination  turn out to be. Either way I was bored with sign boards shown in the roads I have covered till now, it was equally boring like I said,it didn't turn out to be the destination I had in my mind . 
So, a mixture of guts and boredom tempted with curiosity made me to chose the third road. 
    As I stepped into road my phone started ringing it was a familiar phone number,but I couldn't make out who it was. I took the call ,the voice was too familiar too. I felt like each words said by the caller had all the tones of people I know in the past. The caller asked me to not to go through that road and warned me about some of the people who travelled through that road was never seen again. Doubts started creeping into my mind. But the force of attraction towards that road was much more , so I abandoned my phone (distractions)there. Before I took another step , I looked back and thought,either I will never be seen like the caller told me, or else I will see things I have never seen before  ,either way I was too bored to walk the road I was walking till now. 
  So I took that road and I am walking ...

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Blind,deaf or dumb???

Blind, deaf and dumb???

1.He was one of my best friends. We usually share everything in life. We were friends from childhood. I have read somewhere that people who are friends for more than seven years will be friends forever. We were friends for more than seven years so I was pretty sure we will be forever. But one of the things I don’t like about him is that he smokes a lot. I wanted to tell him to stop smoking as it is not good for health. But I didn’t, I felt hesitant to speak up. He said that he smokes a lot every day. Years later we got job and settled in different places, and we forgot to keep in touch. Life and job was getting bored. I really lost the wish to live. On that day my childhood friend called me and he we talked for hours recollecting memories and talking about the things we did in the past. And he asked where I was and about my job, life etc. I told him I am working for a very reputed company but life there is really dull and I really lost the wish to live.
And I asked him where he is now. He replied that he is a hospital and undergoing treatment for lung cancer because of smoking. And his voice turned sad as he continued....’ I really wish I could live for some more years’ and he cried through his phone...
And I thought, I should have really told him to quit smoking back then and yes I was DUMB….. But from that moment onwards, I started to tell and ask all my friends to stop smoking whenever I saw them with a cigarette. I don’t want to be a DUMB anymore in life. Be brave and speak up when you have to. It can really bring about a change, at least for one person.

2. It was a usual day in my life. I was walking through the side of a busy road. I saw an old man trying to cross the road. He was blind and so I wanted to help him cross the road. But something told me to help him, but I tried to act like a deaf by not hearing those words from my heart... and I kept walking. After walking some distance I saw a friend of mine and I tried to cross the road to meet him. The road was busy with vehicles in both the directions. I somehow managed to cross the road and reached the other side. It was like an adventure for me, crossing a 7 meter road in the middle of that town. When I looked back the old man was still on the other side of the road, still trying to cross the road. I wondered who was really blind ….. And from then onwards I started to help anyone whom I can and started hearing everything what my heart says. I don’t want to be a BLIND person by trying to avoid seeing the things   and be DEAF by not hearing what my heart says.

Saturday 17 January 2015

The story of two kids

I had two kids. Each one of them was given a small plot of land of equal dimensions.

   To one of them I and the people around him kept criticizing and discouraging him daily. We cursed him whenever we could and scolded him for almost everything he did. Each time someone criticizes him he would dig a small hole on the plot. Slowly the hole in the plot became larger and larger and it almost filled his plot fully. Then after that when there was no place to dig hole anywhere he started to dig his holes deeper and deeper.  And a stage reached when he could no longer had space to stand on his plot, even if he would try to stand somewhere, then he would slide and fall into the hole , he has created. And after some time he found that each hole he dug was a hole of ‘doubts’ in his mind. The doubts slowly consumed his plot (life) and finally he slides into the hole he made and died. TIME faded his name without leaving without any trace on it.

     To the second kid, I and the people around him, always loved, cared and encouraged him. We tried to correct him whenever he was wrong. I tried to fill him with love, compassion and all good qualities by showing him. Each time we was encouraged he would place a small block on his plot. Slowly the block turned into a small pyramid. With the passage of time the pyramid grew in size. Years later, the pyramid was so large that he could climb it and could see the entire whole world around him, as well as the people around him could see him on top of the pyramid(success). Eventually he too passed away. And time could only take him away not his pyramid. And that pyramid stood there as a mark he made on the TIME.
Not that just the food, water, shelter   we provide the people but the WORDS (good or bad) we use for them also matters.. in the long run .

What I think, when I see a crowd of people…

What I think, when I see a crowd of people…
 Whenever I see a group of people in a public place, like in a bus stand or railway station or somewhere, I see a lot of pattern. I see bored faces, living their patterned life. I usually wonder why it is  like this, why people chose to be sad and have a boring life. And I never understood it either at first because I was standing among them in that crowd, following a patterned life.
I started searching for the reason why a majority of people and youth like me end up like that. The reason I could understand was many. Some of it are.
1.       Play safe.
Now most of the people want to play thing safely. In fact, it starts with our childhood. Our parents choose the best school they can with their pocket. From there, the programmed life starts. We come out of school and still don’t know what to do with life. You come to one of important juncture in your life and you see a group going towards the engineering path. Some rare people chose otherwise. And after four years of that still no idea what to do with life. The only difference is that you have degree with the same thought you had when you entered the college. We all have different ideas in our life. But the idea of
PLAYING SAFE life drag us from trying something new. That is we all wanted a life that is too programmed and SAFE. So that we know where we are going, don’t want to try anything new, be on the safer side. We want to make our life secure that’s all.

2.       We think , but don’t  act  because we …….Afraid
Yes the reason we all want to play safe is, we all are afraid to do. We never want to risk anything. We never believe in us, our thoughts. We never give it a try. We are afraid we may not reach we would love to and won’t give it a try. Some says it is because of my situation. And we always think we wanted to do so many things, but we never do it. We want to go with our passion but something always holds us up. That thing is our fear. 

3.       It’s not going to work.. Only works for great people.
That’s another reason, our ATTITUDE. We always believe it won’t work for me and we won’t give it a try either. The reason for this may be also with society we live in  , we live in a less motivated society. But that’s wrong. The change should start from our head, from US. We should have a proper attitude towards things.

4.      We give up too easily
  We want to achieve something in life and with that in mind we chose something, something we dont love to do. so during the long run we forget to love ourselves and what we do and we give up. 

So what we really will think when all the time has passed on with our thoughts to do something, but we never did anything. And on our death bed we will think, we should have lived my life instead of someone else’s. That’s when we really going to regret. We can never rewind our life then. We only have NOW, yesterdays are gone and tomorrows are never coming.